
Worship at Main Street is alive and growing. We acknowledge people’s varied worship needs and strive to provide life-transforming worship in all areas. Because people experience worship in different ways, we offer two services. Each service features readings from the Bible, a Biblically-based Sermon, Prayer and music. Our first service is more traditional and includes liturgy, traditional hymns accompanied by piano or organ, and special music provided by our Chancel Choir, Bell Choirs, or talented musicians from the community. Our second service is more relaxed and includes praise music accompanied by piano or video.

Worship Schedule:


9:00 am       Traditonal Worship

10:30 am      Gospel Talk


9:00             Traditional Worship with a Modern Flare

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm new here. Which service should I attend?

Our 9:00 worship service is our main service and is attended by most of our congregation. You will become acquainted with a good representation of our congregation and experience a traditional United Methodist Worship service.

Our 10:30 worship service is lightly attended and has a much more relaxed feel to it. The worship is geared more towards people who prefer a simple service of music, prayer, scripture and sermon. Attendance varies and many of our youth and children attend this service. We welcome you to come and help us grow!

Can my children worship with me?

We welcome children in both services. If you have children, you are welcome to have them worship with you or you may choose to participate in our children’s ministry. The pastor offers a special "Focus on the Children," which helps the children to understand the Scripture of the Day on their terms.We offer nursery care during both services and a special activity for children called "Kid's Connect" during the second service. 

How should I dress?

We have no dress code or expectations of formal or informal attire. On a typical Sunday, some folks wear suits and dresses, and others wear jeans and T-shirts. Others dress somewhere in between. There are enough people present that no matter what you choose to wear, there will be somebody else who dresses in a similar fashion. What is most important to us is that you wear something that you are comfortable in so that you can focus on the message of God’s love for you.


Our side parking lot has access to the accessible entrance and the elevator. Other doors will also get you into the building, but require navigating stairs. Greeters will help direct you to the Sanctuary and can also assist you with parking or wheel chairs.